Healthcare Merger Integrations

With 18% of the USA GDP spent on healthcare, it’s more than an industry: it’s a complicated, fragmented economy.

Our expertise in healthcare merger integrations is focused upon acquired businesses of up to 1000 employees

Medical Practice Integration
Medical Practice Integration

Healthcare integration: the first priorities

Answer the phone
Generate claims
See patients
Billing and collections in the new environment

Our Approach

Serial acquirers often consider every acquisition integration the same. True, that many are similar. However, they are all unique, just like the people who work there and the patients they serve

  • Before starting, we develop your standard tasks. These are the task that are done by your organization every time you integrate
  • Before an acquisition is completed, we identify this integration’s specific objectives
  • We develop the integration-specific tasks
  • We overlay your standard tasks to create a list of clear priorities and focus areas

We understand that practice styles are very different and work to minimize the turbulence that can cause staff to leave. Key Staff retention is an essential element of a successful integration.

  • We are experienced in Day 1 preparation, integration kick off, integration management, tracking, reporting and delivery.

If staff are retiring, we put training in place to transition in new staff, using physician’s assistant oversight.

Healthcare IT

The lifeblood of any business is IT, no more so than healthcare. Our approach is to ensure that IT facilitates a smooth healthcare merger by listening to the demands, anticipating the needs, and providing a supportive service to its customers, the staff within the business.

Healthcare IT rollout requires careful planning and Change Management. We can bring in expertise to match the size of the rollout. Myself and my team. Not only IT implementation, but training and reinforcement.

We favor taking well considered steps that phase IT programs, to ensure that a consistent service is provided internally to the business and externally to partners and customers

Want to learn more?

Care with Data

The collection, exchange, storage, retrieval, migration or transferal of data is a constant consideration: what type of data is it? Is it, or could it be sensitive in any way? If so, all actions are governed by compliance.

Modern-Day Cottage Industries

The healthcare sector is made up of an extremely fragmented range of providers for patients and for the businesses that support the providers. Each small business has its own processes, technology and cultures, while constrained by the ebb and flow of policy changes from insurance companies and/or governments.

The sector is dominated by the smaller businesses being acquired by larger ones – and those being acquired by even larger businesses.

Integrations must prepare for the next acquisition: are we ready to be audited again, as part of an even larger acquisition?

Who is the Customer?

In healthcare, the definition of a customer varies not only from business to business, but from team to team. Is your customer a colleague, a patient, a healthcare provider, technical support staff, facility management, an insurance company or the government?

Our ability to navigate up and down any organization hierarchy, and between departments and teams is an essential skill that we use to contact appropriately with your customers.

Unique Teams

Healthcare regulations and multiple types of business partner cause the healthcare industry to have unique functions, such as coding, certification, and (healthcare) compliance. We are experienced in working with these teams. We understand the challenges that they have and support them during the healthcare merger integration.
