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Training and certification for set up and management of an integration of an acquired business

Training, certification and mentoring for you to deliver the value of your M&A through successful integration

Acquisition integration basics course

Addresses questions that acquired employees have, including "What is an acquisition integration?", "How are the integration teams and decision makers organized?" and "How long can an integration take"

Considerations that leadership should have before acquiring,  discuss 6 myths about integrations, and differentiate between the priorities of the acquisition team and the integration team

Four broad-category approaches to integrating an acquired small or mid-size business, along with the “Keep Separate” strategy

The Integration Organization

The teams that oversee, manage and deliver an acquisition integration; the members of these teams, their roles, qualifications and ideal qualities

Integration Objectives

Initiatives that define the focus areas, for the journey ahead: how to identify the objectives, and how these fit into the SSIM™ as a whole

  Learn how to estimate and budget the finances of an acquisition integration: three types of cost estimation, budget submission, and three types of synergy

Staff Retention after an Acquisition

 Staff retention should be a priority of smaller integrations. We discuss  non-financial and financial incentives and introduce The Staff Retention Toolbox

Onboarding an entire acquired business is complex, emotional, and critical to the success of integrating acquired smaller businesses

Preparing for Day 1

The way that you announce and welcome new employees can be the difference between integration success and failure. Here we teach how to prepare and deliver the Day 1 announcement

Communication during Integrations

Learn how to communicate to the different audiences for an integration, applying seven communication objectives

Creating Acquisition Integration Projects

Walk through the process of turning integration objectives into workstream charters, and deriving the high level and details tasks.
