Create In-House Integration Competencies

Your People. Our Expertise

Let's have a conversation about building your integration team

Acquiring businesses is expensive. Integrating the businesses is where you get the value from your acquisition. If you have the resources to integrate your add-on acquisitions, but need a process, templates and guidance, Intista will help you develop your in-house competencies.

How does your business develop the in-house competencies to successfully integrate your acquisitions?

Businesses that do not successfully integrate acquisitions waste the opportunity of value creation. With every subsequent acquisition, the pain of not integrating becomes greater, as the burden of multiple processes, tools and operational methods prevents growth.

Intista will develop your employees into your in-house integration team.  

Lower-mid and mid-size businesses are often torn: they know they need external expertise, but want to retain the skills within their teams. Take advantage of Intista expertise to train , certify, and mentor the people in your business to integrate acquisitions.

Build, Don't Buy, your Integration Team

The benefits of an in-house integration team

  • Your approach is understood by everyone, and improves over time. With a team of employees delivering a series of integrations, your company's approach to reinforced and improved over time  
  • Common Terminology. Communication is key to success. Understanding the same terminology about integrations, combined with the specific terminology used by your company
  • Retention of key staff. Stimulate and challenge your high achieving employees with a role in your integrations
  • Career advancement that benefits the business. Employees that take on a role in acquisition integrations usually benefit from an accelerated career. Select your rising stars for your integration team
  • Organizational familiarity. Your employees will know who to go to when a specific issue needs to be resolved, or a specific connection needs to be leveraged 

The Solution

Certified Acquisition Integration Manager logo

Intista trains, certifies, and mentors company integrations teams

We specialize in growing teams that integration acquisitions of less than 1000 employees

Our Certified Acquisition Integration Manager (CAIM™) program trains, certifies and mentors your integrators.

  • Online training takes you through the entire integration process, from the reasons for acquiring to the execution and delivery of integration projects
  • Certification testing that ensures understanding and reinforces learning
  • Monthly Integration Mastermind sessions, where you get the opportunity to ask the experts anything related to acquisition integrations
  • Why Use External Help to Build an Internal Team?

    External resources have gone through the learning curve of theoretical and practical aspects of integration. They bring the skills and capabilities you'll need to get off the ground. Additionally, partners provide capacity, freeing up your resources to be used elsewhere.

    Internal expertise ensures business change. The people who develop integration skills will be with your organization, and can pass on the lessons learned and processes that fit your business.

    Your People

    Our Expertise

    Building your In-House integration team

    We train, certify, and mentor employees in how to plan and deliver an integration. This is done through a program of training, certification and integration mastermind sessions, in our Certified Acquisition Integration Manager (CAIM™) program

    The Five-Steps to a Successful Integration Team

    • Readiness

    • Certification

    • Delivery 

    • Support

    • Resources

    Certification engagements are for businesses that intend to grow through multiple acquisitions. 

    • Repeat acquisitions are successful when a team (either full time or part-time) is made responsible for integrating the acquiring and acquired businesses
    • Having studied and passed the final exam graduates earn a digital badge that is shareable on LinkedIn™ and verifiable 
    • Integration Mastermind sessions give you a forum to extend and apply your learning to real world situations taking place in your business. You can discuss and ask questions of integration experts

    The CAIM™ certification last two years, after which recertification is required. 

    Hybrid Solutions

    For many businesses, the  Certified Acquisition Integration Manager (CAIM™) program will either improve an integration team, or give a new team the grounding they need to get set up their own Integration Management Office (IMO). 

    Some businesses need a hybrid solution that combines the online learning and certification with specific support. Typical reasons for this are:

    • You have to climb the learning curve very quickly
      • You cannot afford to the time to create your company-specific templates, and processes
      • You must deliver a high level of success on your first integration
    • Your business poses some complexities
      • The first integration is relatively complex
      • There are difficulties selecting the correct workstream leaders

    What is a hybrid solution?

    This is a combination of online learning and advisory services

    The benefits are

    • Lower cost than bringing in consultant full-time
    • Focuses consultants on specific issues only
    • Shortens the learning curve


    Holistic Thinking

    Wyatt Campbell - COO

    Really appreciate your dedication, professionalism, hard work and holistic thinking.


    A Huge Positive Difference

    Linda Peduto - Facilities Manager

    Extremely organized, detail-oriented, thorough, timely, and importantly... made a huge positive difference on many occasions, helping to gain loyalty, bridge differences, and get newly acquired companies up and running


    Made for a Better Culture

    Lauren Mink - Purchasing and Facilities Management

    Able to assume solutions many times before problems occur and can remain collected. …also quickly made personal relationships with members of both companies and helped to integrate them by learning process and introducing counterparts. It not only made for a better culture, but a smoother run in streamlining both lines of business.


    Value Beyond the Scope

    Samuel Bronstein - CEO

    They were very responsive to my needs and gave added value beyond the scope I requested, finding gaps that we didn't realize were there. The attitude, support and professionalism were outstanding. We would have no hesitation in asking them back for future projects.


    The Results are There

    Monica Berrios - HR Director

    Intista were really helpful in strategic planning and finding solutions. We had positive results that helped the company and employees move forward. They were definitely worth the time. The results are there, and motivation is part of the process.


    Strongly Recommended

    Patrick Xiao - Head of IT Department

    We [were] dealing with a big integration project between a China and a Europe based company.

    A great experience... [the] contribution to our email migration project is highly appreciated, excellent communication and coordination skills are highly praised.

    Definitely Steve and his company will be strongly recommended to our partners. I would say that if we have any chance doing the project based in USA and Europe, they will be on the preferred vendor list for sure.
