Employee Surveys
Find out what your acquisition integration needs, or how well employees think it is going
Priorities and Your View of the Company
An opportuntiy for employees to anonymously report what they think are the most important issues after being acquired.
This survey is anonymously recorded. Tell us what you think are the priorities for the integration of the two businesses. What do you think the acquiring company didn't realize before they acquired?

Mid-Integration Review
If you are mid-way through an acquisition integration, there are probably some things that can be improved. Let us know what we can do better.
This survey is anonymously recorded.

How Complete is Your Integration?
Take this survey to get an approximation of how complete your acquisition integration could be.
This survey is anonymously recorded and provides an estimated completion percentage score.

Our surveys are offered free of charge and open to the public
If you want your business to use these surveys:
- Contact Intista (form below) to let us know you're doing a survey
- Send a link of this page and the name of the survey, to your employees
- Require them to name the company they work for
- This will allow us to segment your company's results from the public
- Contact us again when the survey is complete for us to send you the results
Intista can create custom surveys, specific to your needs that are hidden from the public. Contact us with your requirements
What Does Intista Do?
Intista are experts in Acquisition Integration, in a process known as Post-Merger Integration. We help companies that acquire businesses, integrate their acquisitions.
We focus upon "lower-mid to mid-size" acquisitions
Which means that the business that was acquired has between 20 and 1000 employees.
Find out more here