Jack Link’s, Unilever

Jack Link’s mission to be the premier provider of branded meat snacks in the world, included the acquisition of two meat snack brands from Unilever, BiFi (in Germany, Benelux, Austria, and Switzerland) and the Peperami brand (in the UK and Ireland). The Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) market represents approximately 10% of global sales, with an increasing trend.
The integration had to address international and business culture differences: Jack Link’s headquarters are in the Mid-West of the USA, with the acquisition simultaneously introducing two brands, manufacturing plants, plus employees from some of the Unilever business functions. Our involvement was to define and manage the carve out from Unilever and merge those operations into Jack Link’s.
The carve out was framed and clearly defined with a 13-month Transition Services Agreement (TSA). The project management team migrated from the business-critical operations, such as migration from Unilever’s customized implementation of SAP to Jack Link’s SAP implementation.